Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Detroit FreePress talks to Jeff Daniels about how the arts can change lives

Excerpt from the Detroit Free Press - 8/2/2009
How the arts can change lives
The tall kid was leaving basketball practice when the teacher directing the school musical called him over. "South Pacific" was in desperate need of guys for the chorus, not an uncommon problem at smaller schools. Since the tall kid was in choir, could he please, please join the crew of singing sailors?

The kid was Jeff Daniels, then a sophomore at Chelsea High School, now a veteran of more than 50 movies -- his latest is "The Answer Man" -- and on hiatus from a starring role in the award winning Broadway play "God of Carnage."

If not for that teacher's plea, Daniels said in an interview after I saw him in "Carnage," he would probably today be working at the family lumber company in Chelsea.

"Not a bad thing," he said. "But I'm really no good at math. ... I'm a product of the arts."

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