Saturday, March 22, 2008

Chelsea Community Hospital to Merge with St. Joe's

Chelsea Community Hospital will be merging with St. Joe's this year, according to multiple news sources flooding my news feeds this morning. Here are some links to provide more information:


Unknown said...

GREAT IDEA! Perhaps Chelsea Hospital would have better Emergency care. As it stands, I don't knoe anyone who uses Chelsea Hospital in the horse community. Which is too bad, as there are a lot of us out here...a comment overheard at a Dressage show:Send me to U of M, not Chelsea...I'd rather go to the vet's. Sad but true. Also perhaps St. Joe's would reign in incompetent Dr.s...such as...ssshhh...Dr.Colligan in Behavioral Health who is banning patients from using this unit for whatever reason he can come up with. I'm certain controversial comments are allowed. The usual attitude to those of us who point out flaws in our pretty little city is to delete our comments. Stand up for freedom of speech.

Leslie said...

I know others who have had less than ideal visits there, but we've actually had nothing but good experiences at CCH Emergency Room. I always appreciate not having to wait the 1-4 hours I remember from the ER visits as a kid in Oakland County. I know that a lot of it has to do with the time of day, which docs happen to be there at the time, and the type of emergency.

As far as moderating comments, I do get a lot of spam on this account, so I have to keep an eye on things. But I do appreciate comments and feedback from real people whether they agree with me or not. :)

Mazenbloo said...

Ahhh, we won't even begin to talk about my 2 experiences there now will we? One being 8 months pregnant with a sprained ankle and not ONE QUESTION about the baby, water breaking, bleeding, contractions or anything. *gulp* Made me feel very...unnerved to not have them even question me.

Unknown said...

Yeah. There are a lot of problems with Chelsea Hospital's emergency. There was one doctor on the evening shift who (after waiting 3 hours) Finally opened to check on why I was so anxious. My horse had fallen on me and my leg and head were hurting. He walked into the room..SHOOK my leg...and said"Looks like your leg isn't broken". So I high-tailed it out of there, and managed to drive myself to the UM ER. They immediately put a collar on me and strapped me to a backboard. Turns out I had a hairline fracture of the tibia and a serious concussion that required weeks of rehab! If you are forced to use Chelsea so at your own risk!